Friday, February 28, 2014


Sometimes prayers come out as poems.  As I make my way through my Federation Novitiate experience, I am finding that more and more poetry speaks to the deep movement within me. As a wise woman once told me, "Poetry's power is in capturing feelings. It is a mode of telling our self how we feel." And so, in this way, prayer and poetry fit perfectly together.  Poems become a mode of expressing emotion to God and discovering it anew for ourselves.  The following poems come from a two day class on the vow of obedience. May they speak to your heart & open you to the prayer already deep inside of you...

In the stillness
in the war torn shallows
of your heart
and hear.

Hear the whisper
that cries out
from the very cracks within
your bones,
“Be True.”
and the Truth will set you free.

Free to be bound up together
in our brokenness
to speak to the One who knows
all too well
and to learn, as if for the first time
that nothing
-not even ourselves-
can separate us from the Love of God.


Loving God, pause within me.
Long enough that I might see you there
and recognize your presence.

Pause if only for eternity and hold me still.
That I might be given to you,

All my desires,
            and blindness,
all that I am. Let me pause with you.

That I might be given to you
and as you move on,
I might follow you

to the ends of the Earth.

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